Friday 15 February 2013

Task 3 - Questionnaire Results

Here is a questionnaire that we made to get people to fill in after they had watched our music video.

I have analysed the results from the questionnaire we did below. We handed it out to 18 people, a mixture of girls and boys amongst our year group. Below are the results:

As we can see there is a variety of different genres that people liked with only 2 people actually liking the heavy metal genre. Most people like Hip Hop or rock music consisting of 11 people out of 18 people liking this.

This shows that over 3/4 of people that watched our video would definately watch it again which shows that they must have liked it.

Everyone that watched the video have said that it was a heavy metal band which is what we wanted them all to think.

As we can see in this video 13 people think that the guitar solo, lighting and the camera angles were the best think in the video. This highlights that we have made an effetive video where everyone liked the video.

This pie chart shows that over half of the people that watched the video have said that they would have preferred it if we had a narrative in the video as this would have mean't that it wasnt as boring.

Over 3/4 of people that have answered this questionnaire think that the editing was to the beat of the music which shows that the video has been made effectively and meets the task that was set to us.

This shows that only 1 person thought that the camera work was average, meaning that 17 people think that the ca,era work in the video is very effective and makes our video work due to it being a performance based video.

Over half of the people that watched our video said that they didn't like the song we had chosen. This was most likely because our song was heavy metal and not many people actually like heavy metal music.

16 out of 18 people think that the lighting was really good in our video. This is really good if people thought it was good as we had to make the lighting really good due to it being a performance based video. This made our video effective and makes our performance video stand out.

Over 3/4 of people that watched the video think that the video was made to a professional standard which is good meeting the task set to us.

Half of the people watching the video said that they would buy the album after watching it as they thought that it was very effective and liked the elements we had to it.

The only thing that people thought was missing from our video was the narrative element to it. They thought that it could be made more effective if we had a narrative to it.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Task 3 - Focus Groups

Focus Groups: a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging.
Coma69: the band behind ‘Down & Out’, with the selected genre of ‘heavy metal’ with a main interest coming from a male audience 17-24 year olds.

The idea of a focus groups is to be an important tool for acquiring feedback regarding new products, as well as various topics such as Music Videos. In particular with music, focus groups help bands/artists wishing to develop or test market a new products, and to discuss, view, and/or test the new product before/after it is made available to the public. With our focus group we can great useful feedback on ‘Down & Out’ to help understand what was key in our product and what we could’ve developed further

Task 3 - YouTube Comments

We have used YouTube first to gather audience feedback online about what the public think of our music video. The comments have been very constructive in suggesting what they thought was good and what could have been improved. In general alot of the audience liked the lighting, thinking that it was very effective and fit the genre of the band. A couple of people also liked the jump cuts that we have used and done during the editing stage. The things people said that we could have improved was a larger variety of shots and maybe we could have had a narrative to go with it.
The two very constructive YouTube comments are:

Below is a screengrab showing the rest of the comment:

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Task 3 - Audience Feedback On YouTube

We were able to get immediate feedback on YouTube and over the internet.

On the Coma 69 Youtube account the statistics show that the target audience is 45 - 54 year olds.  This meets our secondary target audience of older males.

On the official hurtwood house media Youtube account. This shows that the target audience is 13 - 24 year olds which meets our primary target audience.
This shows that all of our target audience have watched the video, achieving what we set out to do. Furthermore it also shows that on the Coma 69 Official YouTube account, they have received about 200 more views than on the Hurtwood account. This highlights that the Coma 69 account maybe reaches out to more people as well as followers of the band.

Task 3 - What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

In task 3, I am expected to collect lots of different forms of feedback through YouTube, focus groups and questionnaires relating to our target audience of 17 - 23 rockers and older males as well as a variety of other people. The audience feedback will allow us to test how effective our media campaign is. It will also allow us to see what other people outside the target market as well as in our target market think of our video. The campaign will be shown to our target adience as well as people outside the target audience to get this information.

Task 2: How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And Ancillary Texts?