Monday 12 December 2011

Cast List

We chose Guy Amos as our photographer or detective because we thought that he would suit the part because he looks quite innocent .

We chose Tom Gass as our messenger because we thought that he looks older than he actually is and we thought that he is quite secretive.

We chose Stephen Paxton as our 'bad guy' because he looks quite scary and we thought he looked suitable to be a bad guy.

We chose Daniella Wild as our 'bad girl' because she looks older than she is but she is still in AS and she does Drama.

We chose Phil as the man looking through the pictures because we didnt actually see who the person was, so we thought he would be a good actor

Tom Gass


Stephen Paxton

Daniella Wild

Sunday 11 December 2011

Research Work For Thriller Idea

We looked at the bit in Lovely Bones that they shut the curtains and that is how we got our idea as to how we shut the curtains in our opening title sequence. Below is the link to the curtain scene in Lovely Bones:

We also got some of our ideas from Se7en by Kyle Cooper. Below is the link to the opening title sequence to Se7en: