Sunday, 30 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Coma 69 Website
This is what Coma 69 wrote on their website when they received a copy of the video we made to their song Down And Out.
The Process Of Designing The Website
Today we started to design our Coma 69 website. Firstly we had to log onto We then had to sign up so that we could design the website. We chose what layout we wanted and then started to edit it. First of all we added the Coma 69 logo, then we added their song using SoundCloud. Then we filled in their latest news following wjat they have written on their website. After this we wrote what dates they had in the diary. We then had finished the front page and moved on to the info page. On here, we wrote about the band, which we used from their website. This was all we had time for in that lesson, we will carry on next lesson.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Audience Feedback
We did a focus group with our class after they had seen our video to see what they thought of it. We also did an interview with a person interested in heavy metal music. These videos are shown below:
What further post production work is going to be required
The post production work that we will do in addition to the video is a website which we are going to put an interview on and also a CD digipak.
How is our project changing and developing
Our project has changed a lot from the very start of the term, when we started doing this project. Our first idea was to have a mechanic in a performance and narrative video to the song uprising by Muse. We then realised that this would never work, so we moved on to using Down And Out by Coma 69 making a performance based video. We were originally going to use the green screen to project firs and heavy metal band images, but due to the scaffolding we thought it looked better without it. We used lights and smoke to set the image of a heavy metal band, creating a great atmosphere.
Issues Within Editing
One of the issues we came up against was syncing the shots to the beat of the song, because if you moved it slightly when editing it would mean that we couldn't use that shot. We have done that with a few of our shots which has meant we couldn't use them.
Brief Commentary Of Our Rough Cut
Before starting the rough cut we re named all of out shots, therefore making it easier for us to find the good shots and the shots that weren't going to work naming them NG standing for no good. We also named them in terms of what they are making it easier to find each particular shot. We started our rough cut by dragging the song down on to the time line. Then we had to sync all of the shots. We did this by dragging the shot onto the timeline, then we muted the song so that we could hear where the beat started and where Rachel the singer started singing. We then cut it and dragged it to the start to sync each shot. We repeated this until we had used them all. After this we edited each shot normally to create a rough cut, which is a rough version of what we want our video to look like.
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Our Product So Far
So far on our rough cut we have found a couple of weaknesses amongst it. One of these weaknesses was that once we had synced all the tracks, we then somehow managed to unsync a few of the shots, which then meant we couldn't use them. Also, we haven't been able to all go and edit the rough cut altogether, so this meant we couldn't really discuss what everyone has done. The strengths of our product so far is the amount of different shots we have got such as tracking shots, slow motion shots, and lots more.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Editing Continued....
Max stayed behind after school to sync it and he also startes to edit the rough cut which at the moment is going very well. We have used the blade tool, to cut the shots to where we wanted them, then reusing them later on. We then dragged these shots onto the timeline and rearranged them into the order. So far the editing process is going very well and we are on track to completing it soon.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Process Of Editing
Today we started to edit our music video. We started by syncing all our shots to the beat of the music, checking that the video of Rachel singing starts and when the start of the singing on the song started. We did this by dragging the shots onto the timeline and cutting the shots where it matches the song using the blade. We then started editing the shots, cutting it where we wanted the shots to go. Max and Bertie had a creative discussion about editing
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Account Of Shoot Day
When I woke up the morning before our shoot I was quite nervous about meeting the band. I didn't know what they were going to think of the scaffolding or even of us. I was also quite excited as our shoot day had finally come and all that we had been planning was finally going to be done. We could then see if it would work. We wanted to see all of our work come together as we had worked so hard over the past couple of weeks.
We had done as much as we could the day before. There was not a huge amount that we could do on the day. The band turned up slightly late because of traffic due to the rain, so there wasn't much we could do before they got there. This then meant that we didn't start filming till about 10 or 10:30. When they arrived we had to bring their instruments in and help to set them up.
Our studio set was not that complex. We used scaffolding to represent the heavy metal band and had LED strip lights screwed onto the scaffolding to light up the band. We didn't know what the band were going to think of it, as this was their first video, therefore it had to be how they wanted it.
I think I did well at directing, as I am organised and I really enjoyed seeing the clips on the monitor. I also enjoyed filming the shoot as it enabled me to get involved and to develop my skills from AS on the camera.
I think the most successful part was when we started shooting the band. The video started to come together, we were really worried about what it was going to look like before the shoot day. On the actual day when we saw the lights all joint in with the band, we thought that it looked great. The tracking shot looked really good, especially when we did a tracking shot round the drummer, as we saw all sides of him playing the drums. This shot is going to be our opening shot in our music video I think.
I enjoyed the whole day, I liked setting it up arranging it to how we wanted the scaffolding to look, I enjoyed meeting the band, which at first I was nervous about. I also enjoyed filming it seeing the shots we had sketched out in the animatic coming alive and seeing them work really well together, along with the lighting. The bit I didn't enjoy was taking it all down, because we were on a high from finishing and wanted to start editing, however we got on with it and had finished before we knew it.
I am looking forward to seeing all of our shots on the screen, seeing which shots worked and what shots didn't. I am also looking forward to editing it all together and seeing the finished piece.
I think our whole group worked really well as a team. We all put ideas forward saying how we wanted it to be done and what shots we wanted to include. We had Lydia who does photography, so she took photos of the day which was really good. Max and I worked on it all taking videos to put onto out blogs and seeing whether the shots looked good and we had Bertie who was really good at doing the lights. This worked really well as everyone did everything no one sat around doing nothing all day.
We asked the bands advice on the album covers that we had designed. They really liked them and said that they looked really effective and different. The one thing that they said they would like on our cover was the logo of the band so that the audience would know who the band were. Other than that they really liked our ideas. We filmed an interview with them so that we can put it onto our blogs, but also so they can put it on their website for the audience to see.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Friday, 16 November 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Further Progress On The Album Cover
We have further developed our idea of food dye in water for the front cover and we are going to demonstrate it to see if it works and fits with how we want the front cover to look. The designs are shown below:
Back and Front Covers
Monday, 12 November 2012
Record Label Options
We have had a look at record labels that support heavy metal bands. We have narrowed it down to 4. These being Nuclear Blast, GWR, EMI and Metal Blade. These record labels support bands that are in a similar category to Coma 69 such as Black Sabbath and Metallica. We now need to decide which one we want to be our band record label.
Here are the website to each of the record bands below:
Friday, 9 November 2012
Album Cover Details
On the back of the album cover, we will have a list of all the songs that the band have written. These are:
From Hell
On The Edge
Down And Out
Heaven Help
The Truth
One Night Stand
Self Destruct
Sealed With A Kiss
We will also have a barcode on the back like a real CD cover has. We will also include the record label logo.
On the front we will have the name of the band
On the spine will be the album name and also again the name of the band.
From Hell
On The Edge
Down And Out
Heaven Help
The Truth
One Night Stand
Self Destruct
Sealed With A Kiss
We will also have a barcode on the back like a real CD cover has. We will also include the record label logo.
On the front we will have the name of the band
On the spine will be the album name and also again the name of the band.
Front Cover Options
The first cover we put up was going to be our front cover, but we decided that it would be better as a back cover so we have come up with some new ideas for the front cover which I have shown below:
Album Cover Designs
Album Cover Designs
Progression Of Our Album Cover
Today, we decided to try and narrow down the ideas of what we wanted on our album cover. We all drew one of our designs, but we decided we didnt really like them. We thought that we had to look more closely into the title. The logo that the band have used is what we decided to use so that there was some of the bands influence into it. We then looked further into how they had written Coma 69. We looked at celtic images and found a celtic image of some fish. We have made a rough album back cover idea which is shown below:
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Research Into Artist's Website
This is coma 69's website and for the link to the website click here. The bands website is dark and gothic like the band themselves creating a sense of rebellion.
A website similar to this is Black Sabbath and a link to this website is here. What I like on this website is that the website is animated, so to click on the different sections you click pictures.
A website similar to this is Black Sabbath and a link to this website is here. What I like on this website is that the website is animated, so to click on the different sections you click pictures.
When designing our website I will be influenced by Coma 69's website being dark and edgy. I will also use Black Sabbaths idea of hovering over pictures to click on the sections of the website.
Planning A Photoshoot
One member of the band is planning to come to school in the next few weeks so therefore we can ask him the questions we want to ask and also take photos of him. This will be a very useful thing to do as it means that we can blog more in depth about the band.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Friday, 19 October 2012
CD Cover Idea
The writing will be white with a black background to represent the dark, gothic style of the band.
The pictures of the band members and what they play will enable the audience to be able to work out who is playing what in the song.
This is just a basic inlay for the CD to fit into with the name of the band written around it.
This is a list of the songs on the CD to allow the audience to see what other songs are on this CD so that they know what they are listening to.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Album Artwork From Similar Bands
Muse - Uprising
This was our original idea, until it fell through moving onto Coma 69. Both Coma 69 and Muse produce heavy metal music. The target audience would be similar which is people that like heavy metal bands.
Metallica - One
Metallica are an American heavy metal band from Los Angeles. They are similar to Coma 69 in that they wear dark clothes and they have a similar target audience of heavy metal bands.
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Pink Floyd were an English rock band that achieved international success. The genre is progressive and psychedelic rock band.
Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath are an English rock band. Having said this they are cited as pioneers of heavy metal bands. This is the same as Coma 69, as they have a similar genre.
This was our original idea, until it fell through moving onto Coma 69. Both Coma 69 and Muse produce heavy metal music. The target audience would be similar which is people that like heavy metal bands.
Metallica - One
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Black Sabbath
Questions To Ask The Band
When we meet the band these are the questions we would like to ask them:
What specific details to the band want in the video?
What I their main image?
How do they want to be represented?
What equipment can the band provide?
What do the band say the song represent?
Do they have nay inspiration?
What is their target audience?
What details have they used in previous videos?
What is their regular music genre?
Is there any crucial aspects of the band’s work they wish to add?
Target Audience For Our Band
Coma69 is a 4-piece band, based
in the Guildford area. Currently rehearsing in Aldershot, the band have played
many live gigs, including Guilfest 2011, and have appeared on radio stations
including 96.4 Eagle Radio. The band also play regular gigs at
The Unicorn, Aldershot. From a media perspective they can be portrayed as
"Experiencers" - seeking variety and excitement, looking for something new,
offbeat and risky. Still formulating life values and patterns of behaviour,
while being enthusiastic about possibilities and taking risks. When weighing
these ideals against the choice of target audience, the main focus for our band will be REBEL
and DROP-OUT individuals; wishing to make the world in their own image and choose to simply enjoy the thrills of life.
We also have a secondary audience of older people shown in the pictures below:
Letter We Wrote To Coma 69
To Whom It May Concern,
Thankyou for agreeing for us to use of your music in our Media studies music video. The track will be used with the short video that is only for assessment purpose. We look forward to working with you.
Yours sincerely,
Lydia Wesley, Vicky Cooper, Max Waple and Bertie Chatfield
Thankyou for agreeing for us to use of your music in our Media studies music video. The track will be used with the short video that is only for assessment purpose. We look forward to working with you.
Yours sincerely,
Lydia Wesley, Vicky Cooper, Max Waple and Bertie Chatfield
Hurtwood House
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Guns N' Roses Is Similar To Coma 69
Guns N' Roses is an American rock band. who formed in LA. It used to consist of vocalist Axl Rose, lead guitarist Slash, rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin, bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Steven Adler.
Today, Axl Rose is the only remaining original member, in a lineup that comprises Use Your Illusion
–era keyboardist Dizzy Reed, lead guitarists DJ Ashba and Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal, lead and rhythm guitarist Richard Fortus, bassist Tommy Stinson, drummer Frank Ferrer and keyboardist Chris Pitman.
Here is Guns N' Roses Youtube Account:

Today, Axl Rose is the only remaining original member, in a lineup that comprises Use Your Illusion
–era keyboardist Dizzy Reed, lead guitarists DJ Ashba and Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal, lead and rhythm guitarist Richard Fortus, bassist Tommy Stinson, drummer Frank Ferrer and keyboardist Chris Pitman.
Here is Guns N' Roses Youtube Account:

Who Is The Target Audience For Coma 69?
Here is their youtube page:
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Evaluation Of The Role Of Storyboards And The Animatic
Storyboarding enables us to be able to see what shots need to be improved and what shots can be cut out. The concept of our video is to portray a dark, gothic rock band, showing how the band play the instruments.
Making the animatic was very useful as it enabled us to find out that we needed to add more of a variety of shots, and also add more shots.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
How We Made The Animatic
We started by getting the song 'Down and Out' by Coma 69 and dragging it on to the timeline of Final Cut Pro. We worked out the order that we wanted the shots to be displayed and then dragged them onto the timeline. We cut them to the length that we wanted them and slotted them in. We had to repeat shots to make the 2 minute 45 second song because it is a performance video therefore the shots would be repeated to emphasise the instruments. We repeated this the whole way through the animatic.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Green Screens
Blank screen allows designers
to superimpose digital images into the background of your video to create
unique environments.
Not new technology but is most effective way of integrating high quality images into background.
It’s cost effective as green screens give you the background you want without having to travel to get it.
Pretty much any background can be created therefore there is not way of it limiting you to certain backgrounds.
Not new technology but is most effective way of integrating high quality images into background.
It’s cost effective as green screens give you the background you want without having to travel to get it.
Pretty much any background can be created therefore there is not way of it limiting you to certain backgrounds.
As we are doing a performance video, we are going to shoot the band in the studio and record flames out in the field to animate with the band.
Coma 69 Down And Out Lyrics
Down And Out
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
Just hanging out
'Cause he's got
No-where else to go
Begs for his money
Got holes in his shoes
Still got fire in his soul
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
He's moved on
From day to day
But he still survives
He's living off drugs and alcohol
No-one cares if he's alive
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
A tortured mind
A broken soul
He numbs the pain to get through it all
Can't get worse
Or so they say
We'll leave that saying for another day
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
Just hanging out
'Cause he's got
No-where else to go
Begs for his money
Got holes in his shoes
Still got fire in his soul
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
He's moved on
From day to day
But he still survives
He's living off drugs and alcohol
No-one cares if he's alive
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
A tortured mind
A broken soul
He numbs the pain to get through it all
Can't get worse
Or so they say
We'll leave that saying for another day
It's just a matter of time
Before the world turns in his favour
But addiction plagues his mind
And the streets are where he calls home
Some Performance Based Videos
Here are some performance based videos which we used to get our idea
Green Day - American Idiot
Avril Lavigne - Complicated
Linkin Park - What I've Done
Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning
Evanessence - Lithium
Outkast - Hey Ya
30 seonds to mars - closer to the edge
Heavy Metal Genre
Heavy metal is a genre of rock metal that developed in the late 1960s. Heavy metal lyrics and performance styles are generally associated with masculinity. The first heavy metal bands such as Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple attracted large audiences, though they were often critically reviled, a status common throughout the history of the genre.

Progress So Far On Our Music Video

Our final idea is that we just do a performance video. We use the band Coma 69 to perform the track that they need a music video for and then make the lighting and scenery really good. We would use images of fire on a green screen and animations of buildings on fire. This would then also use our idea of fire but incorporate all the aspects of what we want in to one video.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Evaluation Of The Storyboards
A storyboard is a graphical representation of the camera shots in a film sequence which are connected together to create a 'narrative flow'. It enables the film director to visualise the flow of camera shots and sets that she wants to eventually appear on the cinema screen. It helps the director to decide the sequences of shots, the movement of actors, camera directions and lighting directions. It most importantly illustrates how the narrative will flow from one shot to the next as the audience watches the film.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
Thursday, 13 September 2012
The Plot Of The Swarfega Music Video

Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Further Development Of Our Final Decision
After pitching our first idea to Luke, he said that he was happy with our idea for the moment but we had to develop it more such as where we were going to have it placed, and also see if we could get permission from Bertie's friend to use his garage. We also looked up Swarfega which is a car mechanics grease to give us an idea for our video. Following on from our initial idea, we have kept the original song and have got a back up incase this one falls through.The storyline is how an unpreveiled person with a broken home and a drug addicted mother has a steadly job and how he wants to succeed in life and how he remains and driven even though society is against him.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Initial Group Discussion
Amongst our group we discussed a few different ideas and we all liked two which are about rebellion
I have attatched a powerpoint that gives us our ideas and I will include below a link to the songs we are thinking of using.
Music Video Devising
I have attatched a powerpoint that gives us our ideas and I will include below a link to the songs we are thinking of using.
Music Video Devising
Initial Idea Number 3
Artists that he is like are James Morrison and Jack Johnson.
Jason Mraz fan sites are : › Music
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